2D Smart Grid Solutions AIoT
The traditional circuit system relied on expert experience to deploy electricity. 2D smart grid solution combines the modern IoT technology and speed of cloud computing to collect and analysis data. With the complete power grid information and powerful back-end computing, the power companies can now rely on AI analysis results to dispatch and maintain power transmission. As data being presented intuitively, the information can be utilized more intelligently.
Patented edge computing for high-voltage power management.
Military Grade Hardware
Predictive Model Software

Peace of Mind
Our equipment endures rigorous tests include temperature, humidity, water proofing, vibration, wind tunnel, lightning strike and current tolerance, etc.
The system has been in continuous development and field use for about ten years. It has evolved into a completely integrated solution for the power industry. Click Here for Posted Details

For the Community
Modern functionality with great flexibility to meet future challenges. Our award winning system has proven to increase the competitiveness of the power company in numerous ways.

Charging Modes
The overheard unit harvests electromagnetic energy as its power. With its chargeable battery, it can continue to work for weeks without power feed. Power consumption is merely 15W.
Visual Display of Real-time Power Grid Status
Traditionally, the power data is presented in digital mode for the dispatcher to interpret. Our interface is intuitive and graphically presented. It’s availlable on the mobile device. In addition to dispatchers, the maintenance personnel can also benefit from the information for immediate maintenance and rescue.
Transmission Line Temperature
increase could cause the line sag and consequent short circuit, or even a more serious ground accident. Our TCMC can not only monitor the temperature, but also estimate the temperature through the cloud computing. At the same time, adjusting the transmission capacity to avoid line sag because of exceeding the maximum load current.
Reliable Power Line Dynamic Rated Current Carrying Capacity
The fault point of the power transmission line may be easily neglected since it sometimes just a tiny black spot of coin size. In addition, the power transmission lines often cross both sides of the hill, and even experienced masters need repeated inspections to spot, thus requires a lot of manpower and time. Our system uses IoT technology, which can pinpoint the point of failure and receive maintenance notice immediately, to reduce the economic losses caused by power outages and public loses.
Fault Detection
Traditional power companies based on safety considerations, set the transmission line current carrying capacity to less than one-half of the actual load or even less than one-fourth of the actual load, leaving too much waste. A smart grid can provide fault diagnosis, and even the ability to prevent failures. Our back-end software services, using accurate dynamic thermal capacity forecasting technology, can dynamically estimate and predict the upper limit of current carrying capacity in the next few hours, and effectively increase the flexibility of dispatching and distribution, which not only increases the capacity of current capacity dispatching, but also guarantees power transmission line safety.

Ready to Increate 40% of ROI?
Data is money. We collect, analyze and monitors your own data to improve the system throughput at the mean time prevent or remove 80% of the unnecessary downtime. They legacy power system can actually learn new tricks.
How It Works
Embedding IoT Technology into Smart Grid

monitor and manage power at the sources

real-time graphics of the network health

smart metering and improved uptime performance
What You Get
Safety and reliable energy at a lower cost.

IoT Module Integration
We are the expert in IoT wireless communication and AI technology. Our integration is to make the best use of dynamic heat capacity in our solution. The goal is to improve the transmission efficiency, quality and reliability of the existing power grid. The network...
Why the US isn’t ready for clean energy
Making clean energy isn’t enough: We also have to move it. Subscribe and turn on notifications (🔔) so you don't miss any videos: http://goo.gl/0bsAjO In the near future, the energy made in the US is going to be much greener. The country’s current goal is for solar...
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Hardware. Communication. Software.
Control Center Monitoring
- Master the real route information
- Instant comparison with rated value
- Implement smart dispatch based on dynamic heat capacity
- Forecast the trend of dynamic heat capacity in the future and make schedule planning